Thursday 31 October 2019

Evaluating the Point Spread and the Over-Under on Pascal's Wager

If you can here from FAKEbook you can go here for the original site-
Evaluating the Point Spread and the Over-Under on Pascal's Wager

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Fashion and the entertainment business are linked at so many levels there is no reason to list them. If you need context to get this, you won't understand it when it is presented to you. The fashion industry is controlled by practitioners. The fashion industry is the place where clothes are designed by men who hate women. The entertainment business is run by men who have sex with men. This should explain everything you don't presently understand about why entertainment, fashion and art now look like they are being filmed, or constructed, in a funhouse mirror. A certain group of people are provably, factually, in control of the entertainment business and these people are more than twice as likely to be than any other demographic.

They are the highest concentration of atheists.

This is true and all the information is right there.

This is true and the information is all there.

This is true and you can exhaustively research this to prove it so.

This is true and has been painstakingly delineated for anyone to ponder.

They are also in control of the pornography industry and all related areas of commerce. There are many theories out there as to why this group of people happen to be deviant in their sexual practices. The arguments go back and forth among those inclined to argue. I am not a member of that group which argues. I don't argue. I state (take it or leave it) and here I will state why it is that this group engages in the sexual behavior they engage in. It is due to the influence of the maternal side of their family unit.

Here is an example of that influence by the maternal side. I don't know the religious background of this person and I purposely chose it to give evidence that this kind of 'child molding abuse' can be performed by anyone. All that is required is for you to be mentally ill. It doesn't matter what religion or race you are. It's also true that some groups do it more than others.

You can argue about the content of what's been said so far. There are two main reasons why you might. One reason is that you haven't studied it and have no REAL information. The other is that you are a member of that group. There are other possibilities why you would object to what's said here but they can each be traced back to one of these two reasons.

I don't care for this plane of existence but I am here. However, I am of proactive inclination, so I am working on that and... near a solution for it, which is to be able to be here and not here at the same time. As a matter of fact, I am now able to slip in and out of one into the other for brief periods of time. I can't stay in that state permanently yet because it isn't something anyone can accomplish on their own. You have to be ALLOWED to do that. You have to be... almost led by the hand, by another, for that to become a constant for you. At this point I would like to say that HEAVEN BEGINS WHERE YOUR FEET TOUCH THE EARTH.

What is my point here, with all these disparate but connected REALITIES? My point is that I did not want to believe what my lying eyes brought to my attention but I had no choice. As has been said many ways by many people; “it is what it is”. I know why this is all as it is. I understand the influences, dispositions and inclinations that made it all what it is but I've gone into depth about it so many times that I just don't want to do it anymore and I suspect that the reason I am doing it today (to a certain degree) is because this is the last time I want to talk about it. In a short period of time, sooner than one might think, a certain transformation is going to come upon the human mind. It is going to impact differently on different states of awareness. Depending on your level of present awareness and the distance between you and the awareness that is going to descend, on that depends the severity it is going to come upon you with.

No one is going to be able to argue with or negotiate with this awareness. You either concede to its superior power, or it is going to be visited upon you in ways you are NOT GOING TO ENJOY. How do I come by this knowledge? It is what I have been told. Of course, anyone can dispute the authenticity of what I've been told. Anyone can dispute the existence of the source of this knowledge. That's neither here nor there for me. I had only to be convinced myself. Whatever anyone may think of that, it has no importance to me whatsoever. It is as if I walked into a room and saw someone sitting there and I had an exchange with the resident of the room. Then I left the room and mentioned the conversation and the experience to others and certain individuals, who had not been in that room, nor privy to the information that was discussed, have decided to disagree with what I heard or experienced. I had an experience. They did not have the experience, so, who am I going to believe?

Of course I may have been lied to. My response to that is, 'time will tell and we shall see'. Until that plays out, everyone is going to go on doing what they do. The same applies to me. I'm going to go on doing what I'm doing, except... perhaps... with an even far greater determination and consistency. I accept NOTHING until I have proven it to be so, according to my methods of inquiry and analysis and this is the case with everything I have come to believe or disbelieve over the course of time.

The present state of existence is one of intense material presence. We are surrounded by the products of matter, shaped in the foundry of the human subconscious and brought forth into form through the Shake 'n Bake process. The speed at which product is now coming from the foundry to the shelves of commercial enterprises is incredibly swift. What is lost in this is that the whole of it is SPIRITUAL, not MATERIAL. The material angle is the appearance via the senses and because change is the cornerstone of existence and due to that, all appearances are temporary, things come and go and none of it remains... except for the spiritual aspect. That does not come and go and that does not change.

Let me take the pending arrival of certain material change a step further. The whole of what we call, culture and social order, civilization and our material environment, moves like sequences in a film. The film begins and eventually the film ends. In between we have plot development and the characters who perform in the plot. We have drama... tragedy... comedy; depending on one's experience and perspective. We have denouement, anti-climax and climax. We have character development (hopefully of a positive kind). Life is a movie but... perhaps more accurately, a dream. Nearly everyone here is dreaming and that dream, depending on the dreamer, can... like sleep, be light or very, very deep.

In the dream of life it usually takes trauma for one to awaken; or a nightmare? Life... this life movie is moving, inexorably toward nightmare. This is simply the logical outcome of material culture in which the residents, devoted to that culture, go slowly at first and then ever more rapidly... insane. If you are not seeing or hearing elements of this at this very time, you have willfully shut up your eyes and ears. If a train is speeding toward you and you are standing on the tracks, closing your eyes will not cause the train to miss you. Mr. Apocalypse is the conductor on that train.

I have NO SOLUTION to the conditions brought about by the people mentioned in the article. It is what it is. However, the forces that rule manifest existence; not the forces that appear to but the forces who do rule manifest existence, they have a solution.

Not everyone who reads this article will study what is contained in the links. On the one hand, many who read here already know these things. Then there are those who do not want to know because with knowledge comes responsibility. Not all of us have been able to put our lives in such a place that we are no longer vulnerable to those who would harm us by costing us our jobs, or threatening us on any variety of levels. You have my sympathy. I have no hostages to fortune. I also do not have many of what some would call the benefits of these times in this culture but... I don't want any of them either.

Let me riddle you something. Let's say there are those who have everything that material comfort and entertainment can provide but they are not able to fully enjoy any of it, due to a power that is resident within them and whose influence THEY CANNOT ESCAPE. Then let us say there are those who have none of these things but... that same power is resident in them as well, only it their case, it floods them with bliss and joy and makes whatever they do or experience a wonderful event. Who of these two groups is the better off? Especially since this interior power can also provide or remove anything there is to be had in life, effortlessly. Every single one of us has access to the good offices of this power but very few of us take advantage of it.

I am not the one who is going to hold certain people accountable for their acts but I do know that they are going to be held accountable. I'll also be held accountable and I am more than passing fine with that. It's always puzzled me how people go through their whole life without giving any serious thought to what comes after. Then... I suspect they find out anyway. One can be an atheist but... whether one is or is not, has no bearing on whether God is real or not. Pascal's Wager was about that, in it's own fashion, though... 'enlightened modern thinkers' consider it rubbish.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is- first time available-

There are many sites on the internet where one can get their news. Some of those sites, like Huffington Post are 100% fabricated. Others are a mix of truth and lies. Pocketnet seems to be of the less egregious of those which has a mix. If you know how to sift information then Pocketnet can prove to be a valuable place to visit.

les visible at pocketnet

Thanks to those of you who are going to Pocketnet and voting for me and for commenting. It's making a big difference, although the desired effects are still precipitating in. I am grateful, truly grateful for your support.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

"A Tale of Redemption, Restraint and the Good that Lives in the Heart of a Few."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I'm going to start this off with an anecdote. It was a real teaching moment for me and left me feeling pretty good about myself. When I left the Big Island of Hawaii a few years ago, I wasn't in the right headspace, I guess that's what it was, to sell my car. I had met this fellow, Charlie Abel at the weekend market up in my neighborhood, about 10-12 miles out of Hilo. I used to go there every weekend for papayas and vegetables. Charlie sold motor oil and also did some amount of mechanical work and I had hired him to do something minor to my car. It worked out that I left the car with him and he was going to sell it for me. I left him my email and off I went.

Time passed and I never heard from him. I figured, 'well... I guess something or other happened' and I put it out of my thoughts. It's been around 4 years now since that happened and last night I was communicating with my friend Issac Shapiro who lives in Australia. We were friends on Maui when I lived there. We parted company at some point and (I see this story is getting a tad over involved... ah... so what?) Zac (short for Issac- grin) went and married the heir to the Otis Elevator fortune. I attended the wedding; talk about a big time extravaganza... heh heh.

As relationships go in this day and age, the marriage only lasted a few years and during that time and following that time, Zac had had something to do Papaji who was... how do I put this? He was a tad eccentric. The story I heard and I can't verify this tale but the source was fairly unimpeachable... the story I heard was that he knew he was about to pass on, so he initiated a half a dozen or so (could be more) of his student as gurus. That is not the interesting part. The interesting part is that after he did this, he told this source that he did it as a joke to see what would happen. Like I said, he was a tad eccentric. As it so happens, in my view, some of those students/followers proved to be full on opportunists and all about the money and the profile. I know this is not true about Zac and that is the only reason I tell this story because... otherwise, it would have gone into this vault I have; a vault of events and goings on from the past, that are best left in the vault. I suspect we've all got a vault or... we should have. Zac actually helps people.

Zac has matriculated into a spiritual teacher and he travels to Europe and other places where he has followers. I met up with him in Munich about ten years ago.

So... not likely to make a long story short at this point. Anyway, I'm engaged in this back and forth with Zac about my music, since he had really appreciated the song I sent him over the weekend and it was decided I would send him a selection from the albums, which led to a discussion about movies since the flash drive was 16 gigs and the music only came to 540 megs of mp3's (which is still about a hundred songs) and we were going back and forth on that, as to whether he had seen this movie, or that series AND OUT OF NOWHERE, the left hand side of the page changes and it is a list of messages from as far back as 2016 that I NEVER GOT! Several of them were comments that would have been important at the time and one of them was from Charlie Abel, circa 2016, telling me that he hadn't been able to sell the car for the price it was worth, which would have been between $600-$800 and he'd let it go to a young student for $250.00 and he needed an address so that he could send me the money. Wow!

I spent some time last night responding to various messages and one of the responses was to Charlie, to let him know I finally got his message and in case he still had that money and was inclined to send it. None of this is the primary issue that has caused me to tell this story in the first place. One of the key features is this; I'd given Charlie my email and that was how I expected to hear from him. It turned out that he found me on Facebook and messaged me there and this message went into some internet bardo and sat there.

Time passed while I was in Corning, California and then I traveled to the East Coast to stay with my friend in Ocean City, New Jersey. The weather coming off the ocean in the winter is pretty fierce and in the summer it is a madhouse, with families going up and down the sidewalk, some of them have massive carts filled with umbrellas, coolers, boogie and surf boards, beach chairs, tables, tents and you name it, they probably put it on these huge carts, or in these super large wagons. I was stunned at the amount of items people felt were necessary for their beach experience. Try to imagine what I am talking about, volume wise and then, double it, triple it.

All day long they would go by the house and in the evening they'd head back the way they came. It was impressive, this march of material excess. There was a lot of living that had to be shoehorned into the week or two they had apportioned for that year's beach visit. Ocean City is not cheap. The houses rent for around $2500.00 a week and it goes up from there. There are some houses there that rent for $5000- S10,000. a week and more. Certain realtors and landlords are making a fortune over that time span from May 30 to Labor Day. The rent for a small 8' to 10' by 16' to 20' space, to have a shop on the boardwalk, will run you around $80,000.

Ocean City is an unusual place. It is one of the premier family resorts on the East Coast. No alcohol is sold or served on the island (it is a island), except for (drum roll) The American Legion. So... right where one enters the bridge to OC, there is a humongous liquor store, with at least half a dozen cashier lanes and... in season... it can get a tad (understatement alert!) crowded. I used to crack up, watching people's shopping carts go by. Some of them contained hundreds of dollars worth of booze.

Rarely, I would take a walk on the boardwalk. I'm guessing you've all been in a beach town at some point in your lives, so you know the tawdry and tasteless array of crap for sale. You can get one scoop ice cream in a cone for $5.00. Everything is very overpriced!

The back and forth clatter on the sidewalk, in front of the house, wore on me over the course of that single season I spent there. I did see some very funny things, like a never ending procession of hundreds, thousands of Cellphone addicts, thumbhumping their units. One time I saw 3 teenage girls go by on bicycles at around 30 miles an hour, thumbing away on their cellphones, with no hands on the handlebars. I watched them shoot through an intersection without looking; truly an impressive display of stupidity.

We'd walk the dog in the evening and perambulate past the largest collection of Audi's and Volvo's, with a goodly amount of Honda Odysseys and the occasional Bentley Maybach or classic T-Bird. Poor people don't come to Ocean City. The middle class doesn't come to Ocean City, though there are probably a few. The houses are ramshackle affairs, with the cheapest of fixtures and amenities. Every few years they tear them down and build another.

I told my friend, “I can't take this place long term. Let's go west.” That suggestion met with approval and so I set out , guided by the indwelling (that is a story in itself) and shortly thereafter, we were in The West... balmy year round temperature, for these less than youthful bones. Safe and serene it is and half the year, nearly everyone up and down the street and around the corner, goes home to Canada (they have to spend half the year there to maintain their heath care.) so... there's no one here.

Earlier in this posting which, at a certain point, took off like a runaway horse, I was talking about a car left with a fellow on The Big Island, in Hawaii. There's a little more backstory required here in order to provide a complete picture. I'd been away from America for 15 years. A lot can happen in that time. A reader that I knew from the blogs, offered me a place to stay while I got myself oriented. I'm one of those people that moves very quickly when I think I have to, so... in a little over a week, I had a place to stay, a car and that was that. I knew a number of people there from my writings on the internet. I stayed on the Big Island for a year.

There was one group of people that I saw every month during a film club get together. Then there was a fellow named Robert, who had worked in Hollywood as a scene builder for the movies. He used to come by at least once a week, most of the time it was more. I'd provide a movie and some small amenities and we would talk about God. At one point he brought over this martial artist named David (from Las Vegas) with an, allegedly, natural, snow white eyebrow, who came and went for a month or two. We all got on well. So... I never expected David to come up to me from the side one afternoon and... without warning, hit me so hard that he fractured my jaw. The attending doctor who repaired it said it was the worst break he had ever seen.

The attack had been arranged for some time. The police refused to investigate and got ever more pissed at me for inquiring. I was unable to move in any direction. I later found out it had been set up by Israelis who wanted me taken out. The doctor said I was lucky not to have died. Of all the people I knew there, one fellow, Kelly, helped me out as I went through the process of leaving. Since I left I have not heard from a single person there and that is quite a number of people and that has NEVER happened to me before. It was as if I had never even been there.

I've never seen a place like the Big Island of Hawaii. Perhaps it is the high cost of living there and so many people are on a hand to mouth existence. Meanwhile the percentage of alcoholics, drug addicts, people on social services, is unlike anything I've ever seen anywhere. No one trusts anyone else. People are constantly being ripped off. Their homes are broken into. Then there is a very large New Age, Trust Fund, airhead contingent that behaves like they have completely lost their minds, which I suspect is true. One needs only to read the Craig's List personals to see what kind of romance climate is present. I saw what it would be like if America went Communist Socialist because that is the atmosphere there. It is the most depressing environment I have ever been in.

For all the pretentious, over the top, cartoon spirituality I saw there, that island was a hotbed of the most intense materialism and epidemic selfishness and narcissistic self involvement I have ever seen. It is as if, they being unable to see themselves as they are, are able to behave in ways that even a mental defective would know better than. It's truly a land of the haves and have nots and the width of the separation is remarkable and... not in a good way. If you're ever in the area and enjoy unintended humor and irony, locate some of the island billboards and local new age publications and you'll be in for a treat. You really have to experience it. My telling you about it won't convey the unreality of it.

There is a palpable anger in the air and a racial divide that is striking. I went to a few events where this was in your face and intimidating. Nearly every man I met was on their own. I was told the women were impossible to be around and I did see evidence of that, though personally, I had no interest in that kind of company. It was so crazy there that when I arrived in California it seemed sane in an almost surreal way by comparison.

In conclusion; Charlie had asked for an address in the initial, time warp, query. I sent it to him. This morning I received a reply from him, telling me he had already sent the money off. Wow! Here's the thing. The whole time that time kept passing, I never thought badly of him, or cursed him out in my head. I did think of it being emblematic of that location, a zone of lost souls, some kind of material purgatory where nothing works out. Then I come to find that he had tried to contact me, soon after ...and had done the right thing and was a good guy (God bless you Charlie for being a diamond in the rough!!!) and... so was I; for not projecting negative intent on his part, regardless of the island leaving me with that impression about nearly everyone I had met. This has proved to be a powerful lesson for me. NEVER...never make assumptions about people until you know what's going on. As for what I've said about the island, those are not presumptions but the result of a full year of contact, wherein nothing changed and my worst impressions were confirmed. The only exception being Charlie and a couple that I knew from the film club.

Here's Charlie's page. If Tom Waits shaved his head, this is who he would look like. I know this has been a strange posting. I don't know why it turned out like this or went where it did. Sometimes things just happen all on their own. This certainly did.

End Transmission.......

This evening's song is;

As you travel across the internet, you'll encounter a great many unusual sites and people. Some of them will seem like locations and residents from another planet and maybe they are. I don't yet know how to take Pocketnet, with its vastly diverse subject matter and members, from superficial twits, to deep and often profound and multi-talented individuals. In any case, despite the Top Post Mafia that controls the place and the often suspect and agenda driven characters that come and go, I keep going back there. Maybe I came down with something? (grin). In any case, here's Pocketnet, join if you like.

les visible at pocketnet

My friends, devoted readers, thank you for commenting and voting for me. It is making a huge difference and when I write my Pocketnet Expose in the next day or so, you'll maybe get an idea what I am up to. Keep at it if you are so moved. I am incredibly grateful for your help!

Sunday 27 October 2019

Mr Apocalypse is The Caller as the alt-sex Dancers, Allemande Left off the Cliff's of Darwin

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Modern Society, in the grip of Materialism, is an offense that is visited upon Nature, through the vehicle of what is called civilization and the outcome is that Nature is distorted into an artificial construct that makes men effeminate... Balance goes missing and the result is an ever increasing perversity of sexual expression. The rot of corruption appears and the moral compass goes awry. Then comes the sexualization of children and a War on Innocence.

Civilization is humanities reaction to pain.

The political arena becomes the playing field for rich men, who have surrendered their souls for gain and who subsequently have no presence of conscience. Laws are passed for ever greater degrees of permissiveness. There's money to be made in that. It's drinks all around, at the high table, for lawyers. The Fallen Angels dance in celebration for the depravity of humanity. Evil is performed for the sheer joy of it.

Those whose job it is to fabricate history and misrepresent the present, arrange for what never happened to be a common memory and justification for all that follows. The journeyman psychologists and diseased psychiatrists, rewrite The Book of Normal. They proceed with Byzantine minutiae, in a dance of intricate convolutions, which make right and proper every excess and indulgence, while casting a baleful eye and official censure upon every aspiration for a better world.

The sane and righteous among us are shouted down, accused of every heresy their critics can invent. Men and women shove one another aside, in a frantic rush to proclaim their fealty to the Gods of this world. Any other devotions, or thinking to the contrary, are determined to be anathema to the public good which... has nothing to do with the public good but everything to do with the climate of manufactured perspectives.

This morning I find that the administration is celebrating the alleged demise of a highly ranked, media bad guy, with commentary on him being a whinging coward. This was EXACTLY the same treatment I saw for fall guy Bin Laden and that great hero of Africa, Muammar Gaddafi. What wasn't mentioned was that ISIS was created by American and Israeli intelligence services, so it looks like we did (or didn't) bump off one of our own employees.

Every time I, foolishly, let myself be drawn into admiration for President Trump, something like this happens; a shameless publicity stunt. I am a huge fan of his accomplishments and a strong adherent, due to the horrific potential of his rivals for office ...but... I have to fall back on the unshakable certainty that it is The Divine Persona who is in charge of EVERYTHING that does and does not happen. I am then obliged to pray that he guide this president in all he says and does, for the good of this country. It's going well for the latter, not so swimmingly for the former.

If you are one of the remaining sane, in these times of general, pervasive madness, you are transphobic by default. If you are a consciously participating, upright member of the human race, you have to be default transphobic and all manner of other phobic. If you are FOR SOMETHING, you must also be FOR WHATEVER RESULTS BY ITS PRESENCE. If the Gay Agenda results in sybaritic grope-fests, in the moshpits of The Swamps of Entropy, in some Meth-infused bathhouse, where hundreds upon thousands, writhe in a sightless Hell of flaming darkness, is this some kind of PG-13?

If they march in celebrations of their behavior, waving their pierced genitalia in the faces of children, is this truly an example of the high road of social evolution?

Now we are provided with offenses against childhood and every tricycle it rode in on, via Drag Queen Story Hour, as porcine Halloween, cartoon characters, from the dark side of H.P. Lovecraft's nightmares, grope 6 to 8 year old children, rolling on the floor with them and Transpreading in fairy tale princess outfits, as their junk extrudes through pantyhose then... well, there you go, don't you? AND... if you say anything. IF YOU SAY ANYTHING, you're an evil NAZI, who must be shunned and possibly (as soon as it is legal) liquidated by all right thinking people who do want this in their backyard. WELL... COUNT ME AS ONE WHO SAID SOMETHING. PUT MY NAME UP ON THAT WALL OF SHAME, WHEREVER IT MAY BE. I WILL PAY THE STONE MASON TO INSCRIBE IT THEREUPON.

No one... much cared, once alt-sex dancers got the right to doe see doe in the privacy of their own abodes; live and let live but... it didn't stop there and so far it hasn't stopped here and it isn't going to stop until every straight (preferably white) male, willing or unwilling, is stripped naked and strapped over a barrel, for the passing pleasure of all and sundry. The operative phrase will be; “if they're old enough to stand, they're old enough to be strapped to the barrel.” It will be a modification of that old saw, “old enough to bleed, old enough to butcher.” which was one of those Red Neck Anthems from days of yore.

I remember being in Big Sur a good long time ago and I went into a bar. I remember standing at the urinal. While I did my business, I read the graffiti and came upon one I will NEVER FORGET, “Hippies are living proof that Niggers and Jews Fuck Dogs.” I was a Hippie, thankfully I did not have a dog. I'd already heard about the right wing types in that neck of the woods. Those words of depraved wit, from some hardscrabble philosopher, were all I needed to see to confirm it. What was more telling, was that the phrase had been left up and... from what I could see, had been there awhile.

Eventually, most of these alt-sex dancers, are going to Allemande Left off the Cliff's of Darwin but... for the moment, they and their Satanic handlers in the shadows, are fair capable of making your life Hell on Earth, which is the intended objective after all. I've often thought that one becomes a slave, when they cease to be their own master. Presently, humanity is well on its way to being enslaved. It's being enslaved by appetite and corporation stimulated, base desire. It's being enslaved through fear and its own cowardice to confront the encroachment of behaviors, fabricated to ensnare their children and turn their children against them. “Citoyen J'accuse”, was the calling card of the Jacobin's in Revolutionary France. It was another variant on “Burn the Witch!” and “Stone the Heretic!”

Remember the last scene in the Donald Sutherland version of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers? He turns and points with an open mouthed silent cry, identifying one of those who has not yet fallen asleep. Don't fall asleep, even if you do have to get out of Dodge.

Yes, count me in as one who is not going to be intimidated by feckless poltroons, whose only confidence is to be found as a Masked Pillsbury Dough Boy in a ravening mob.

I've been watching videos of late. Possibly I need to cut back. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND how these people became convinced of such absurdities. They are openly admitting to a desire to hurt anyone who fits into the wrong demographic of being alive. I haven't seen a white supremacist in I don't know when. I know the argument being used. It's called, 'playing the victim card' and that has been honed to perfection by a certain group who use it in every circumstance, who manufacture events where they can flaunt their victimization. In recent times, in France, when events of this nature were investigated, the facts showed that the events were fabricated by members of this very group, almost without exception.

There is a reason why certain people might want to gain control of a nation's money supply. There are reasons why one would wish to control the media, SO THAT THEY CAN CONTROL THE NARRATIVE, to control the entertainment industries so that THEY CAN SHAPE HUMAN VALUES AND BEHAVIORS. It is PATENTLY OBSERVABLE! This is ALL EASILY PROVEN WITH OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE. I did not invent this. I discovered it. I went where the truth led me. I am not happy to have found what I have found. How much simpler and easier it would be for me if I had discovered something else. Well... that ship has sailed. It is what it is and as Mr. Apocalypse perambulates with purpose through this world, more and more people are awakening to this truth, so there is a concerted and impassioned effort to steer the public's attention into ANY OTHER DIRECTION.

If we had to rely on our own power, on our own efforts, the battle would have been lost long ago but, in fact, the battle was won long ago, when The Master walked this Earth and demonstrated the Power of Love over everything, including Death itself. Now we come upon the time of The Harvesting of Souls. We are in the time of the new arriving age. The Throne of God is to be revealed to those with eyes to see. Shall some measure of us be caught up to meet him in the air? Will he simply, with his Angel Armies, vanquish all evil and drive it to its nether home? I do not know what shape it will take and there are VERY FEW who do. What I do know is that whatever shape it may take, it will occur. The Bat Shit Crazy that we are witness to in these times is ALL FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEMONSTRATION. We live in that time of the coming of The Lord and he will, assuredly, “trample out the vintage where the Grapes of Wrath are stored.”

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is-

(you're proof that God loves me!)

As you tiptoe through the Hallmark Gardens of fuzzy pets and little cherubs with Valentine hearts, occasionally you will encounter substantive commentary and news at Pocketnet. It's reason enough to join.

A handful of people have been kind enough to stop by Pocketnet and vote for and comment for me. Most of them are the same people who were already doing it. Sigh... it is the way of the world that you'll never get the 90% to come with you, EVEN WHEN IT IS ON THEIR OWN BEHALF. It is some mysterious rule of the cosmos but THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO DID VENTURE THERE. IT IS NOT UNAPPRECIATED.

les visible at pocketnet

Friday 25 October 2019

♫A Whole Lotta Stupid Going On♫ 'Shakin a Tail-Feather here Boss!'

(the fine graphics and appearance of the blogs is due to the indefatigable Elf and he has my Great Gratitude for the efforts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Today is the 25th of October and this is some kind of a power portal for Witches. I knew that Halloween, Samhain was a power date. I didn't know anything about October 25th. Way...yell- it turns out that October 25th is Halloween. This comes as news to me but then... I was thinking, Christmas is on the 25th of December but it is intended to be the Christian overlay upon the Winter Solstice, which is 21-22 so... I guess that might be the reason somehow.

This evening, Witches here and witches there, witches everywhere, with or without purple hair, ugly or beautiful, in the eye of the beholder, are going to be gathering or acting in singularity to perform a 'binding spell' on President Trump. The intention is to prevent him from doing harm to the country. Now... RIGHT THERE... RIGHT THERE... I got a question; WHAT IF HE ISN'T DOING ANY HARM? That's subjective isn't it? Who is deciding what is HARMFUL? Is it harmful to close the southern borders, against an influx of millions of immigrants, whose immigration is being engineered by George Soros and ancillary Satanic brethren, so that the Democratic party can have a wave of newly minted Democratic voters? Is that harmful?

Is it harmful to create the most robust economy in decades? Is it harmful to generate the best employment figures in decades? Is it harmful to drain The Swamp of the Deep State Alligators? Is it harmful to go after the human traffickers and pedophiles in a way that NO ONE HAS EVER DONE BEFORE? If none of these things are harmful and if it is not President Trump's intention to harm America in any other manner; doesn't this mean that 'the binding spell' will have no impact whatsoever?

They are not asking that President Trump be bound from performing any act that they (the witches) identify as harmful. They are simply talking generically harmful. That would then- as I understand the principles, mean whatever the general idea of harm is in the minds of the largest body of people. I imagine you can do the math on that.

I don't want to say that there are a lot of very stupid people. I DO NOT WANT to say this. I do not want to also say that there are FAR MORE STUPID PEOPLE than there ever was previously. I don't mean this to be true simply because there is a greater population. I am implying a percentile density of stupidity over all.

Even though I don't want to say that there are a WHOLE LOT OF STUPID PEOPLE, I do want to discuss what accounts for it, if it proves to be true, that there are not only a lot of stupid people but more stupid people than ever before (and, if it's true, it's increasing). The reasons are; (drum roll) the intensification of Materialism, the advances in technological convenience, the loss of educational standards, possibly a watering down of the gene pool, the aggressiveness of vaccine programs, drugs and alcohol abuse, epidemic sexual promiscuity (Yes, that will render you stupid), relentless brainwashing and... RAMPANT APPETITE EXCESSES + an obsession with trivial pursuits to the exclusion of all other interests and which leads to the death of curiosity in the deeper considerations of life. I could add a great deal of minutiae to this brief listing but this will serve, for the moment.

When I was in Europe I used to visit this German pub in the town where I lived. It was called The Bahnof, which means train station. There was a single track, train there and it did run on Sundays to some town a few kilometers up the road. The Germans are often a garrulous lot and I would wind up in conversation with them. Some percentage of them are taciturn. I did not talk to those.

On one occasion I found myself talking to this one fellow who began to tell me about his problems. This is a common features in bars and the problems are often the reason people are there in the first place. People at a certain level of emotional development also get lonely. That can be a problem for them. I vastly prefer being alone, mostly because I never am, even when I am, alone.

So this fellow is telling me about his problems, which like most problems, centered around other people (probably another reason I like being alone). Although we may not be as effective with our own problems, some of us are very good at solving other people's problems. I'm pretty good at that (or I thought I was), or so my past history indicates. There are a couple of reasons for this; I'm empathetic and I give a shit. Those might both be the same thing. I also rely heavily on my Objective Perspective. I've seen what happens to people who don't.

So... this fellow is telling me his problems and it did not take long before the solution leapt into my mind- almost as if it had been deposited there from another location- and I told him what it was. He responded with a resounding, “Yeah, that's what I must do.” (“Ja! das ist es, was ich tun muss.”)... or something like that. He was pretty cheerful after that, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Sometimes the perception that something has been remedied, even if it has yet to occur, is as good as if it has happened already. He probably bought me a beer and we went on to other great matters of the world, which we no doubt sorted out on that afternoon. I left at some point and forgot all about it. That's what I do.

Fast forward some months; I walk into the same pub, of an afternoon ...and encounter the same fellow, sitting in morose introspection. I think that used to be called a 'brown study'. I joined him and asked him how it was going. He proceeded to tell me about the very same problem that he had told me about the last time, as if he did not remember even discussing it with me. He did not. I reminded him of our conversation and then he remembered. I asked him if he had applied the solution that was proffered. He said, “No.” When I asked him why that was, he could not tell me; “I must have forgotten.” I think he said. Then it came to me in a flash of revelation. Boom! I saw what was what. This happens to me sometimes and it happened then. I saw that HE IS HIS PROBLEM. This is how he identifies himself. Without his problem he would not be who he is. He needs the problem(s) to be him.

I left the pub that day greatly changed. What I had seen has stayed with me and since that time I have looked at people in a very different way. It has been of great value and saved me a lot of time I would have otherwise wasted, trying to change what it is not my place, or in my power, to change. I had always been devoted to helping people. It is some kind of an impetus that makes me who I am. Hopefully I did less harm and more good overall. I suspect that in many instances, there was no change.

I am not saying you can't help people. You can. Along with what I learned that day, I learned a new method for being useful and that is to just listen to people and see the nature of their need in my mind. Since there is ONLY ONE MIND, whatever I am thinking is accessible to the person(s) I am with. You can heal people in quietude. You can just be around people and make them better by being better yourself. Healthy and well balanced people have a contagion to them, just like sick people. Negative people spread negativity and positive people spread positivity. Look at what The Sun accomplishes.

I saw a discussion at Pocketnet a couple of months ago. Two people were talking about magic spells and one of them said, “Yeah... and it just rebounds on the person who cast it.” That's not true. It CAN BE true (One has to use the mirroring principle, in defense, to get the rebound) but it is not per se. There would be no point at all in practicing such things if the inevitable result was to harm yourself. Of course, we can think of many examples where this is IN FACT true.

People can be very self destructive but in the matter of Magic, certain rules apply. I'm reminded of a tale told by Aleister Crowley. He was involved in a magical war with someone, it was around the time he was with MacGregor Mathers. He knew (for reasons I do not recall) that he was going to be under magical attack that day during a certain period. He then went to the cinema and watched two Charlie Chaplin movies and the spells had no impact. This should lead a person to consider the connections between The Devil and laughter. Laugh at the devil and he will run from you. I'm not promoting Crowley, who I consider a wastrel. I have had many of the same difficulties as he but... also the good sense to eschew Magic as a result. You need a certain mindset to get into these things. It would not have gone well for me if I'd gone that route. I studied these subjects for decades but... that's as far as it went. I'm a mystic, not a magician. One REALLY needs to know the difference.

A Cliff Notes expo on Crowley.

Powers WILL COME if one practices austerities and spiritual disciplines. They come with the territory, so to speak. My posture on this matter is to leave those powers in the hands of the indwelling and should HE FIND A NEED to exercise them, fine... otherwise? Not happening.

So these witches are going to get together, here and there, in whatever which way and do a 'binding spell' on President Trump. I should point out that they have been casting these binding spells for several years now. Here is what I have seen, as far as the broad strokes of contemporary, self styled, magical workers go. I'm talking about the gamut from Tarot Card readings to child sacrifice. VERY FEW of these people have any idea of what they are up to. For instance, they go around doing Tarot Card readings, telling the fortunes of strangers. I have studied the Tarot and related subjects for decades. Some of that time was under the tutelage of experts. Anyone with a particle of common sense knows better that to study Tarot Card arrangements to predict the future, which I might add, they fail miserably at. It's carny action. WHAT IS THE POINT OF TRYING TO PREDICT THE FUTURE WHEN YOU CAN CHANGE THE OUTCOME?????????????????????? The whole point of Tarot Cards is that they are meditation devices that permit you to transform your personal being and dramatically alter your Fate. Do you see what I am saying here? It gives new meaning to 'stupid' in this context.

Some VERY FEW of these witches know their broomstick from their vibrator. I've no beef with Wicca or any of the other Nature Worship systems. However, I do know the difference between a CIRCLE and a SPIRAL. Think upon that if you will.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is-

As we travel across the reach of the Virtual World, it is possible one might encounter Pocketnet. Every intelligent and lyrical person who adds themselves to this location, helps to offset the scrolling Trivia and Cointelpro. Please join me in this triumphant battle against the forces of Stupid.

My friends, if you are so inclined... please go to Pocketnet and vote me up by clicking on the furthest star to the right. You will find me by putting visible in the search box.

There is a small gaggle of negativists there who DO NOT LIKE MY WORK and seek to vote me down. They've also closed me out of Top Posts, even though I have more votes consistently than ANYONE ELSE. If we can seriously up this number it is going to have impact. If you believe in the message and what I am trying to do then PLEASE HELP ME OUT HERE with Votes and Comments. I would sincerely appreciate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

les visible at pocketnet

Wednesday 23 October 2019

From Planet Earth to Middle Earth the Ring of Power WILL GO INTO THE FIRE.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I am an exceedingly fortunate fellow. The reason for that is that I have direct experiential evidence of the existence of a Divine Persona and Impersonal Persona. How this happened for me was the result of revelation attended by brutal trauma and ensuing protection from brutal trauma but we won't be talking about that.

I got arrested around the age of twenty for the sale of 2 ounces of Marijuana. I didn't sell it myself. I was in the middle of the operation and I smelled a rat and kept saying, “I'm not going to handle the money.” How they got me was, I got out of the car and John Reed, who I think was cooperating with them, took off for Frankie's apartment, real quick like (Frankie was the guy with the pot) and one of the Undercovers called me back and said, “Here's twenty dollars, get me another ounce.” I said, “I'll give this to John.” I guess that was enough to implicate me. We crossed the border from D.C. Into Virginia to do this so... it was Federal. At first they wanted to give me 20 years for The Marijuana Tax Act but it got broken down to a 2-10 and turned into what's called a Zip-6. That's 60 days to 6 years and it runs if you are in or out so... 2.5 of those years were spent on the run and I did every day of it, one way or another but... got a pardon from the governor at the end (yet another story).

John Hall, who was my closest friend at the time, was along for the ride. There were half a dozen of us in two cars. John went on to write “Still the One”, “Dancing in the Moonlight” and a few others. He sold “Still the One” to Burger King for a million dollars. He got quite famous for these songs and as a studio guitarist. After months on the run, I was arrested by an armada of cops at his parent's house. They had spotlights on it and some number of them were on their knees with guns drawn. The detective that arrested me was know as 'the White Rabbit'. He was an infamous narco-cop at that time. It was later that I found out that John had told his parents I was on the run and they, because they felt I had a negative influence over John, called the police on me. He knew about this happening too. I don't know what his reasons were. We had been near inseparable for almost two years at that time.

I had my Kundalini experience during this period and it freaked John and many others out because of the supernatural events that attended and followed it. This also caused the police to think of me as a Rasputin type of guy, although I wasn't mesmerizing the ladies for sex, or doing much else except talking about God; but the supernatural events were inexplicable and intense and you know how the authorities are about things they can't understand.

At the time, all the jails and prisons in the area were about 90% black. I was tall and slender. You can do the math on that BUT... NOTHING ever happened to me. I think this may have affected the authorities even more. Then, all that time on the run, they couldn't find me, even though I was RIGHT THERE. They came after me because Scientology sold them a big line/lie about me. That amplified the myth as well. Scientology considered me a 'suppressive'. I didn't do anything to them except tell the truth. It turned out that they don't like that.

All of this led to my being confined in The John Howard Pavilion for the Criminally Insane, at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, which is now the main center for Homeland Security. The first day in there, I went to lunch and there was only one seat available and it was at the table with the heaviest hitters in the place. Albert Smith was a bank robber. Waverly Holden was a stickup man who liked liquor stores. One day he was coming back from the grocery store with two bags of groceries, one in each arm and a couple of guys were hiding in the basement stairway, waiting for him. He came in, guns went off, he dropped his groceries and blew them both away. Following that, he burned down the apartment building to get rid of the evidence. That's how he wound up at St. E's.

Then there was 'Feets' Robinson. Feets was about 6'8” and somewhere around 300 pounds and was the most amazing athlete I've ever seen up close. Watching him play basketball and football out in the rec field was a wonder to behold.

Feets liked to rape and strangle nurses. He got six of them before they caught him and locked him up at St. E's. Later on... toward the end of my stay there, the head doctor at John Howard instituted a program to release some number of inmates out into less restricted housing. Feets was one they let out. He promptly raped and strangled a nurse on the grounds and was right back in; unconcerned. I went to Dr. Kunev who was our ward doctor (this was before Feets strangled the nurse) and said, “Dr., All you have to do is say I'm okay and they'll let me go!” He replied, in his deep Hungarian accent, “No... no, Mr. Crook” (my birth name was Leslie William Crook). “You are far too sick and dangerous. I could not possibly release you.” How I did get out is an amazing tale but for another time.

So there I am, sitting at the table with these guys. I was a vegetarian and only ate once a day at that time. I asked if anyone wanted the meat on my plate and there you go. We got to talking and it turned out they really liked me. They called me, “Gypsy”. I've no idea why. My association with them kept all predators at a distance. Heh heh... the tales I can tell about those 22 months; later. Anyway, they were all black men. So you could say, as I do in the song that will attend this post, “Blackman saved my ass in prison.”

None of this is directly related to why I am writing this today. It is and it isn't; just like everything in life. I've a more than average association with black people in my life and I've had some enduring friendships over time. Still do.

My point is this; from my experience with black people and brown people and Asians, which is pretty considerable, most of all of them... and I mean the far larger percentage, are really decent people and will take you as you present yourself, until you show different. There is a great deal of nasty rhetoric and violent encounters taking place these days. They steal all the headlines and make you think that there is a race war brewing, that color defines you, that white people are evil and yadda yadda. This is what THEY want you to think and you know who THEY are. THEY own the media and control the entertainment worlds, which contribute VASTLY to the perspectives, the subjective among us form.

What I am telling you here, which is the truth, is that the humanity in humanity, worldwide, is a Saving Grace. These are the people who work in the stores and offices you visit. They pass you in the streets. They fix your car and they sell you your car. They attend those sporting events you go to, the concerts and movies. They are your neighbors and they are all HUMAN BEINGS and it is NOT the way that the social influencers and manipulators tell you with their, “If it bleeds it leads.” You get from people what you invest in them and Love overpowers everything, PERIOD.

When the time comes, it is the humanity in the majority that will absorb and quiet the minority. We are all going to be awakened, like it or not, to our true nature. For some this is going to qualify as a true delight of discovery. For some it is going to be otherwise.

The Avatar is coming, or already here. There are 8 billion people on the planet. There is no way that The Avatar comes as a single individual, for this massively populated world to interact with. The Avatar is going to appear in every heart that has prepared a place for him. This is regardless of the religion you follow and independent of your expectations. One thing you may be ABSOLUTELY SURE OF, what happens and when it happens, is not going go down according to ANY fundamentalist doctrines. THE LOVE... THE LOVE of the Divine is going to awaken in every heart that is at all welcoming. The Avatar is also going to show up in every mind and... ACCORDING TO YOUR DISPOSITION... so shall be the tenor of the experience. For some, a golden age is going to arrive. For others, I cannot say.

In the Lord of the Rings, there was that final battle on the Fields of Cormallen. It was called the Battle of the Morannon. The army of The West was greatly outnumbered. Many might have felt they were marching into certain death.

The whole effort of calling out Sauron's legions was to act as a distraction and keep the eye of Sauron away from Mt Doom, where Frodo and Samwise were going to drop the ring, into the molten fires where it had been formed. The short of it is that The Ring went into the lava and was destroyed and AS THAT HAPPENED, the Dark Lord's forces LOST THEIR MINDS and direction. Sauron had put a great deal of his power into The Ring. Game Over. I often think of that moment and how it parallels the state of our times. It really seems that the Infernal Realm is rising into manifest being in places. People are ALREADY losing their minds and it is clear to any objective consciousness that some dark, magical force has taken possession of them. When the avatar breaks the spell that has been cast over the consciousness of the enslaved, it is all going to change. Those who had been doing great harm to the many are going to find themselves powerless and without purpose.

GOD IS REAL and you are his/her manifest extension and expression in this dream of life. The appearance of the Divine is the penultimate event of The Purpose of Demonstration. This is why so many people are here (though they have forgotten), for The Grand Summing Up. It is closer with every moment that passes, in the human mind, where time is a measuring tool, for the movement of every incident that appears in the Event Horizon.

When the time comes, the humanity in the hearts of the people is going to rise to the occasion; black, white, brown, red, yellow (and green), man and woman and child, are all going to feel their essential being coming to the fore. The force of this will blow away the darkness, in every backroom and boardroom where it has collected. The lizard mind of the servants of Satan will flee to the caverns in the mountains. They will hide at the bottom of the ocean. The living light will be everywhere and there will be ♫ nowhere to run, nowhere to hide ♫

“And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”

Don't be discouraged by the bad behavior of small congregations of wanna be revolutionaries. They are as pathetic in appearance as they are in pretending to be bad asses. They are essentially confused and misled. They got a wake up call coming. If the light of the divine goes before you, the agents of the darkness will flee. They will seek for those with the darkness in them that attracts. Be without darkness. There is more power in a single surrendered heart than there is in all the armies of the world. “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

If you're scrolling through the postings at Pocketnet, you are probably going to run into me.


Tuesday 22 October 2019

When You are Through Sleeping with the Swine, Jacob's Ladder Will Appear in Your Dream (of Life).

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

And... here we are again... day follows day... post follows post. The world spins and twists in an agony of global revolution; The Catalans are at it again in Spain. Chile is going off. Hong Kong is in open revolt against China and intensifying. Mr. Apocalypse is walking the world with his walking stick, lifting up the skirts of the dark underneath... uncovering, revealing, exposing. An apocalypse is a season of the Cosmos. It is in regular rotation, like our four seasons. Our terrestrial seasons are mirrored from The Cosmos, which has its own seasons. An apocalypse comes at the end of a cycle of cosmic seasons, so that all can begin afresh. This necessarily involves a great deal of pain for those who resist change. Change is the eternal constant. Change is the cornerstone of eternity. Stress is the biggest killer of human life. It may express in a variety of forms; acting on a particular organ, or the entire physical system ...but Stress is the initiator and stress occurs as a result of resistance to change.

If you literally did not resist change you would not die. “We shall not all die (sleep) but we shall all be changed.”

Cultures have seasons. This is why there is the rise and decline. History gives us ample example of that. Nothing external can be depended on and it is the nature of the deluded to rely on facets of the external manifest. This is followed by inevitable loss and disappointment. You attach your fate to that which you have put your faith in. I suggest that sentence be pondered.

You can't tell anyone anything if they are convinced they already know. This is one of the major differences between children and adults. Adults become rigidified and stop learning, except when trauma or some other life changing event comes into play. Christ admonishes to become as a little child if we want to enter the kingdom of Heaven. There is more to this than the state of innocence (presently under world wide threat). Children are ALREADY in the Kingdom of Heaven. They forget this when they cease to be children and their invisible friends disappear too (their invisible friends disappear? Yeah... there's something wrong with that sentence).

People come to the end of their lives, if they survive to the latter stages and often... senility occurs. There is an alternative to that called, “regenerated innocence”. You can have this if you are able to regain your child-like mind. It is still resident within. There is a deeper reason for the pedophilia virus that afflicts the corrupted elite. Of the many things that Satan hates, Innocence is at the top of the list. That is why there is such a push for the sexualization of children and for many who are sexually attracted to children, it is often a perverted effort to regain their own previous state. They're just going about it wrong.

Life does not have to be misery and it certainly is for many people and that number increases in direct proportion to the degree of Materialism that pervades the culture. Religions have become so corrupt at this point that anyone with any intelligence is driven away. They are often driven in a direction that harms them spiritually. Most every virulent atheist (with the exception of those attracted to evil for the joy of it) is as they are because of Religion and the many offenses committed by Religion, over the course of history. Any time I talk to someone who does not believe in living divinity, it always revolves around Religion. Religion is like the training wheels on a bicycle. It ceases to have useful function once you encounter the entity that it is created to celebrate.

Religions are like a suit of clothes. They are the clothes that Divinity wore at a certain time. Then time passes and the divinity is no longer wearing those clothes and now those clothes are worshiped and not the one who was wearing them 'once upon a time'. Divinity is a living thing. It is resident in you at this very moment. The truth is that you would not be alive otherwise. Let me give a manifest example. The Sun is the source of all physical life on this planet. If The Sun ceased to shine, all life here would end. EVERYTHING here is an expression of sunlight captured in form. Just as there is a material state, there are also finer and finer states that exist outside the reach of the narrow bandwidth of the senses. It is possible to live in one of those states, while still being resident here. There are those who do. I know this because I have met them.

If you study the world and what takes place in it, certain features should come to your attention. The World, if it is considered as a force, has a particular purpose and that is to fascinate your mind with what is to be found there. It also serves to awaken your passion, in respect of the items in its possession. The point is to hypnotize you into the belief that it is real. It is real in a relative sense but otherwise it has no permanence and your affinity with it renders you into a 'mortal state'. Everything comes and goes and... so do you. Out of this comes your value system; “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” That quote is part of a larger statement and what follows it is this; “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.”

It is a truth that we wander in darkness and that is because we wander blind and that is because of what leads us and where it leads. It is possible for you to reside in a living solar body and not have to be an animated corpse, walking moment to moment toward your departure. Here is one of the clearest expressions of insanity; when one is walking for a temporary length of time, through a world of temporary things, where all of their attention and love is placed upon what is CERTAIN to be lost and to depart and to be ignoring the alternative, which is literally, eternal life. The truth of this has already been put into evidence in the life of Jesus the Christ and others. Once again, I want to include that chapter from Autobiography of a Yogi, where Yogananda's teacher, Sri Yukteswar returns to visit him in a physical body.

The tale of Yogananda's spiritual teacher is simply of one of so many that I have experienced in this life that I can't even remember most of them. If you are a dyed in the wool materialist, or a religious fundamentalist, most of this will never even come to your attention. In fact, most people miss most of everything. It all just streams by, in an endless carousel of the objects of desire, wreathed in the smoke of appetite and interspersed with sexual fantasies, hopeless ambitions of mismanaged daydreaming, periodic bouts of anger and resentment, followed by waves of guilt and regret AND endless commercials for shit you don't need. Those are the components of the nature of ordinary existence.

You show up here, you have (if you're lucky) a short period of irrepressible wonder and outbursts of unrestrained enthusiasms, where Summer lasted for near forever and first love was so awe inspiring that no recollection of it even remains now and then... your world separated in two through puberty, which is the headstone for childhood's end. After that... everything changed and nothing lasted very long, except for regret and the pummeling shame that uncontrolled memory lashes most of us with. There are some success stories, many of them came at great expense to others. There were those whose special dreams came to fruition and they surely paid for that previous to. Then it's over.

One MUST regain their innocence and... as is ever the case with anything. One must want it more than anything else. When you are through sleeping with the swine and being drunk on bad wine, Jacob's Ladder will appear in your dream (of life) as it did for Jacob.

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Beautiful are over and you go somewhere (apparently there are different places, depending on how you conducted yourself) and then you come back here again, to get that anticipated dream, or to pay for injuries you inflicted and on and on and on it goes but... here and there, some of us slip through the cracks of the material darkness, into an effulgent, incomprehensible, indescribable light of rapture and bliss supreme and ANYONE CAN DO IT! YOU JUST HAVE TO WANT IT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, just like you did all those other things earlier on. DESIRE IS THE AGENT OF GOD'S WILL.

It's best to forget about things like Good and Evil. It's a form of lasting Liberation, not to want anything. It is a Joy past description to be Self Contained. The oddity of it all, is that thing. That thing we are all seeking in everything else and not finding, is right there in the center of us the whole time. You might well ask, “How come it can take so many lifetimes to find it?” First off, it can't be found in anything outside of you and that is where the vast majority of us spend our time looking. It also cannot be had, unless you are that certain one who is permitted to have it because you cut your false self loose. Two things can't occupy the same space at the same time (unless you're a wave). There are the things, that the thing we are all searching for, will not abide among. Finally... you have to impress the one who facilitates its acquisition, or... you... WILL... NEVER... GET... IT. You have to impress the ceaseless watcher of your sincerity and inflexible resolve, after that, it's child's play.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

Sooner or later, you'll find your way to Pocketnet the De-Centralized.

Thursday 17 October 2019

A Few Things I am Probably Going to Regret Saying about Aspects of Pocketnet.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I'll admit that I don't know what's going on in its entirety. I only know what presents itself to me on the surface and then what my Reason presents to me; what my Logic delivers through my internalized Socratic dialogue and most importantly, what my intuition provides me with.

I came to Pocketnet this morning, as I often do and I had been coming here for a few months because, regardless of the perpetual waves of Trivia that I am exposed to there, I invariably encountered bright spots of articulate intelligence, as well as information I hadn't previously encountered. Sometimes there were well thought out graphic images of ironic sound-bytes. I'm not into the Lazy Twitter, armchair Budweiser sots, who need a shopping cart for their potbellies, as they push through Walmart World, filling them with toxic, industrial, salt and sugar comestibles, guaranteed to do worse than kill them, before they kill them.

I never joined Twitter and I won't. I'm not a Twit. I still have an amount of Dignity, Integrity and aspirations to Honor. I try EVERY DAY to be a better person. Sometimes I am furious with myself, not having accomplished more in that respect by this time. Life is hard; can be hard ...but it is NEVER SO HARD as when you are TRYING TO CHANGE. That is why so many people give up after the cursory foreplay, in the pitched, sexually magnetic battle between opposites, that then cross over each other like legs and break their nose. There is a dangerous myopia that sets in when you get too close to something you badly want but have misidentified as something else.

Today was a trial for me at Pocketnet. Maybe it was just today, just this morning and... it will change later on. The larger saner part of me says, “No” but I am willing to ignore the handful of shit and wish upon the handful of hope.

I KNOW THIS POSTING IS GOING TO DEEPLY OFFEND SOME PEOPLE. I'm sorry about that. I've only got two choices. One is to tell the truth and the other is to rise above the scrum, rise above the moshpit of stupid, that wars against itself, in the hateful turf wars over non existent landscapes. What do I gain in argument with people whose entire identity is built around erecting a support structure for personal hallucinations? People who are dead wrong about things they don't understand are not likely to be swayed by evidence of the real, which can't be directly presented anyway but only hinted at, in the hopes that an effort will be made to ruminate thereupon. Good luck with that!

Yes, I could rise about it. That is what I have been trying to do and to not react as was the case in times past; to take the high road and keep my own council but... it seems like... it feels like I had better get this off my chest, however much it may wind up costing me and I'll feel better having done so. I am convinced that I am NOT THE ONLY ONE who feels like I do. So... let me preface this with- I'm sorry for what I am going to say but... here it is.

What I saw today was... unsettling commercials for BACON and PORK, cutesy cat pictures that belong on preteen social media, arguments about what name God is going by, endless hammering on crypto currencies with ZERO useful information, really stupid and pointless cartoons, cutesy animal graphics- Photoshopped with captions. Then there is the YouTube guy with no lips, whose personality is so off-putting you can't even listen to what he says.

Then there are the Fundie Zombies, who maintain that EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING that is not a literal extraction from a book that has been spindled, folded and mutilated a zillion times, is the work of The Devil who... by the way, works for God. Fundie ignorance is ONLY exceeded by that fabricated, smug, self righteousness that is the most valued possession of those whose greatest spiritual and intellectual achievement is knowing that 'YOU' are WRONG ...and whose utter lack of humility in the consideration of that Ineffable, Unknowable, Incomprehensible Wonder of Everlasting Splendor and Beauty is... is... DEFINITE PROOF that they are NOWHERE NEAR that which they can't shut up about.

Then there are over a dozen announcements that crony, political hack, Elijah (snort) Cummings moved on to his next port of call, with ZERO commentary. This is one of the most consistent and unfortunate realities about Pocketnet; people are so fucking lazy that they can't be bothered to write more than a Twitter minimum, if that. They spend their days, packing the Pocketnet Scroll with one cartoon of stupid pet trick pictures after another, accompanied by a one liner and that serves to jump their Reputation and POC resources. On and on it goes...

There are a handful of REALLY intelligent, compassionate, thoughtful people here, unlike anywhere else I've been and I hope I don't burn my bridges with them but I'm not going to let that deter me from saying what has been increasingly more and more on my mind at Pocketnet. I have ONE identity there and I use my real name. That's me. I don't insist on the same from others. Everyone has their reasons and some of them have 'hostages to fortune'. I wrote off ALL CONSIDERATIONS on that account when I took this road.

The stench of Fear and Paranoia in this world is at a crisis point and the level of stupidity has reached a point, where furrows have had to be dug below the Limbo Bar. The Inarguable Truth is that GOD HAS EVERYTHING COMPLETELY UNDER CONTROL, no matter what it may look like. Our single biggest problem is that our Faith is not equal to the full and permanent recognition of that. God made this world to EXPERIENCE HIM/HER/ITSELF in manifest creation. Life IS for THE PURPOSE OF DEMONSTRATION. That's it! I don't care how many angels you dream up to engage in convoluted, dances, upon the head of a fabricated pin. I don't care how dense and complex your philosophy is, how clever your wordplay is, how anything you whatever are. If you don't get that, YOU WILL ...because that is the purpose of demonstration, PERIOD. You will get it, one way or another and it will probably hurt a bit.

A veteran member of Pocketnet reached out to me because I had posed the question, “Why, when I have, ON AVERAGE, nearly double the 5 star votes that regular residents of Top Posts have... why am I never on Top Posts?” First... let me say, I don't care a wit whether I am there or not. I simply dislike mysteries and when I encounter one, I am a Jack Russell Terrier about it. I just don't quit until I have an answer, or I discover it cannot be answered. I am like this to a pathological degree. This veteran member told me that the Top Post thing is controlled by an in house, Pocketnet Mafia. It's like the George Carlin line about The Club; the exclusive club that exists and “you are NOT a member.” I kind of had already figured this out when Pocketnet told me they have nothing to do with it.

The thing is, I don't go to Top Posts at all. I did when I first got here and occasionally I drop by for less than a minute but I almost exclusively stay in All Posts. There's no difference between what you find at either site and there is more copy at All Posts, so I go there and this has nothing to do with the rest of this posting, it's just something I thought the rest of you should know.

Yeah... there's no reason for me to write another word anyway. I've already said all I have to say and now I just repeat myself. I do this because, for whatever their reasons are, there is a substantial number of people who read it and it's what I do. It's what I do. John Lennon once said, “I'm a musician. It's what I do. I could bang two garbage can lids together and make music.” We do what we do and what we do is what we are; “by their works ye shall know them.”

I love God more than anything and that is only going to increase. I don't love any particular versions of God and everyone who does have one of these versions, argues about it. You CANNOT KNOW GOD. You can ONLY perceive God through his primary vehicle of expression and that is LOVE. Therefore, Love as consistently as you can and you will become that. Then you will be informed of all the things you could never discover on your own. You WILL BE INFORMED.

I wrote another post and it has sat here for several days. It was a good post but... something wasn't what it was supposed to be (in my mind). So... I sat down and wrote this because this is what was on my mind and all of a sudden I feel better. This has been rolling around in my empty head like a marble and every day it annoys me more. I KNOW I can't make people be other than what they are. For some people, cutesy Post-it notes are what they do. Unfortunately, this clutters up the place and you have to wade through all the flotsam and jetsam until you find the pearls and I do... and I do find the pearls and I want to personally thank those of you who have been a delight to me in the time I've spent here. I won't name names because I will leave someone out. But... thank you.

I don't know how much more time I want to spend around Pocketnet. Everything externally informing is all running together in a Mulligan Stew; jabber, jabber, jabber and I'm just as guilty as anyone else. I'm trying to be relevant and talk about THE ONLY IMPORTANT THING and that is GOD. Wherever I wind up, that is what I will be doing. Everything else is bullshit. I only even mention anything else so that I can tie it into talking about God. It daily astounds me that more people do not get it. The Glory and Splendor of the Divine is everywhere to be seen and experienced but... because of Materialism, most of the people on this planet are in a feeding frenzy at the Sensory Smorgasbord and all they want to do is eat and fuck and own shit and control each other, until they are old (if they get that far) and everything hurts and then they die. Then they come back to do it all over and over again. It is insane.

Alright... I've said most of what I had to say but now I'm tired of going on about it. I apologize in advance if I hurt your feelings. Just so you know, you have hurt my feelings too, by diminishing in my eyes what you could be, by behaving like chipmunks chattering on a dead, fallen tree. It's my fault for expecting more. It's not my place to police people's social intercourse, I have only to move down the block. This built up in me and I probably did myself no favors by posting it. However, post it I shall.

End Transmission........

Today's Songs are-


And there's always Pocketnet if you feel like dropping by and joining.

Monday 14 October 2019

"In Dreams of Appetite we Sleep the Sleep of the Dead. Awaken!!!

Okay my friends. Here is the workaround link for Mirrors where the post is actually posted by which Fakebook won't let us post because we disappointed their non existent Community Standards.

and also the standard url below

Thank you for indulging me as we put up with the noxious bullshit of the spiritually retarded.

Saturday 12 October 2019

My Jumping Jack Flash Insurance Policy and the Forever Beckoning Love and Succor of God

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

When you find yourself wondering how the world got the way it is, there are all sorts of causes and conditions to point to and ALL OF THEM might have something to do with it but blaming any one of them is short sighted and forces you, at a minimum, to negotiate this world with one eye closed- at least. Paul Joseph Watson gives some of the most riveting examples and incisive commentary I've yet seen in his latest rant. This is REALLY amusing.

You don't have to wander about for very long in the land of insta-pop opinion to find clear and concise analysis, IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. What the man says in this link may well be true as far as surface interpretation goes but... NO ONE... NO ONE... has yet been correct in their predictions about the world at large. People have picked the right teams in sporting contests. Sometimes they even get the right score. People have gotten rich predicting what someone else might do at a card table. People have gotten rich predicting which stocks will go up or down AND have likely been wrong more often than not, in the long run. However... when it comes to the state of the world, ALL I have ever observed is people being partially correct for a limited time frame and wrong about most of the rest; often not even taking into consideration the REAL intentions of the players because they may well not know what they are, nor what the conditions really are and then... there are the cosmic forces of Nature and the Invisible Planes of Above and Below.

We have, more than once, presented a reasoned schematic for WHY IT IS WHAT IT IS; for why so many people are unhinged or barely hanging on to REALITY, which is not real but a 'functioning delusion' that carries them from day to day. I'll be repeating that schematic in a moment, but first... let me say that one of the few things I do know is that not everyone will agree with me and ALSO, most people will already have their own explanation for why everything is as it is. I am after the truth, no matter what may be the cost and I have already paid, on the installment plan, throughout my entire life for this. The result is that I don't own anything much, not a house, not even a car (anymore), no 'material' investments. I have a SMALL monthly stipend. I have no insurance beyond my Jumping Jack Flash policy but... I am VERY wealthy, primarily because there is just about nothing that I want. I eat well. I have shelter and the basic amenities. I have my musical instruments and computers and... I have The Ineffable and that puts me as close to paradise as we are permitted to come... here.

In the wider world (and this increases by the day) what I notice most is Hunger and the Pursuit of Appetite. I notice Confusion. I notice Fear and Anger. I notice Aggressive Polarization. I notice, Alienation and Despair... These are bookmarks for The Apocalypse. There are a number of secondary considerations, I don't think I'm telling you anything. I ALSO NOTICE, Incremental Awakening intensifying in exponential fashion. I notice people seeing through artifice that once held them spellbound. The bullshit isn't working anymore; not like it used to. It is almost as if the Crazies are getting crazier and the Sane are getting saner. The fork in the road is right there, no matter what direction you turn in, there is a fork in the road. This fork is counterpointed by SWEEPING WORLD EVENTS. Many of these are in early times or inception status... give it some time and you will see what I mean. Now... back to The Schematic.

The primary offspring of Materialism is Insanity, attended by depersonalization, alienation, confusion and listlessness. More and more people are being left by the side of the road as Mammon's Hummer barrels DOWN the highway; witness the homeless pandemic. On the other hand, more and more people are having their chronic dysfunction catered to and even celebrated. The progeny of the feckless, helicopter parents, are a growing menace and are easily zombified by rapacious psychopaths like Soros, The Climate Nazis, Antifa and what have you. They are indulged in their gender bending lunacy, by parents who look at them as Bonzai plants and vehicles to neighborhood celebrity. Kids in early grades are aware of the notice paid to transitioning school mates and at the colitch level the 'protected status' is just the thing for calculating narcissists who LOVE that Safe Space, “I'm having a moment” culture. There is a classic example of this at the 1:01 point in this video from Evergreen College.

Atheism is the default religion of Materialism and Satanism is the operating philosophy as per the 'me first, you later, maybe' SELF INTEREST PREVAILS, over every other motivation and it is how you get 1 percent of the population having as much wealth as the rest of the world and in more than a few cases, individually more wealth than many countries. This creates a perspective in the chosen few, that is also prevalent in all the fields of Entertainment and Media, where these elite players acquire a God-Complex, that invariably expresses in Satanic fashion BECAUSE, behaving in a true, God inspired selfless fashion is going to categorically deny your success in any of these environments.

Materialism DOES NOT stop at some point and automatically correct itself. It intensifies as it goes. As a result, the insanity intensifies as well and it spreads like an infection as it intensifies. You can literally see and palpably feel this. Network television gives you powerful examples in its programs and the advertising and it keeps getting worse. Example; Reality TV... if ever there were an oxymoron! Insanity? Here is a truly classic example.

The desperation of politicians has gone wacko. Look at the latest from the 'no longer Boy' Scouts. I have more examples of the point being made, right here at hand, than I will EVER use. In tandem with the culture, as if it were an unruly beast, trying to pull the rider off the road and into the ditch, Nature is also reacting to this sense of uncertainty in the human mind and this is only one of many examples.

I do not want to go negative on life. I also do not want to blow smoke up anyone's posterior. From one perspective it is all trending bad indeed. On the other hand, hope springs eternal and it may well be that all of appearances of chaos imminent, are going to part like curtains as the light of the Avatar walks between them. I suspect it is going to go, simultaneously in several directions at once and the determining factor in all cases will be, Intention and Character. Everyone is going to wind up at the destination they are heading in. How could that be unfair?

The outcome of life, aside from unavoidable departure, is the outworking of your investment. In the scheme of things, it is what you value and what ideals you serve that determine your fate (this is what I see). Diamonds are more valuable than Gold. Gold is more valuable than Silver. Silver is more valuable than Copper but how does any of them compare to the Love of God (coming and going)? You can go to school and become an Anthropologist, or a Doctor, a Lawyer, or an example of countless professions that are possible. Any of these will have a relative value and you can count on a certain return for the work you do. Some will score big and some will just get by BUT... what if you tie your profession to your Love of God? If you are a Botanist then you may well be a Luther Burbank. If you were an inventor, you might be a George Washington Carver. Whatever your vocation, if you combine it with a love of The Ineffable, the outcome will be far different than if you only did it for personal gain.

Recently, The Ineffable told me that I could go no further on my own. In order to proceed any further I had to wait for him to lead me on. He told me I had accomplished the greatest thing possible for me. I had found him. I immediately, in my mind, began to go over the courses my life had taken and the ways in which I had acted. I said, “I don't understand how I could be deserving of this kind of attention.”

He said, “visible, that you see your life as a mistake plagued experiment gone wrong is irrelevant. I don't judge you the way you do and certainly not the way the world has, on occasion. You simply loved me more than anything else and that is all that matters to me. This is why I showed up in your life.

“You imagine that you are honored more than you deserve but... it's a numbers game. There are 8 billion people on the planet at this moment. Look at how the majority of them are spending their time. Look carefully at this world you spend so much time commenting on. You are just one of a certain number who expressed love for me to a particular degree. Most everyone else is running around serving their appetites and ambitions, chasing one thing or another but... how many of them are chasing me? How many of them are sincerely chasing me and how many of them persistently keep chasing me after I have thrown a few curve-balls into their life? How many of them relentlessly persisted when I did everything I could to stop them continuing? Now... do you see what I mean? You wound up in that small group that loved me more than anything else and that is how you came to be where there is nothing left for you to do... you found me and now you have only to let me take you the rest of the way.

“You're not happy just accepting this. You feel that there has to be more for you to do. Well... of course you continue to do what you do and you RELY ON ME. You keep me uppermost in your thoughts. You keep your heart and your mind open to my impress because... how are you going to be led otherwise? But seriously, it doesn't matter at this point. I am not fickle. Once I am convinced of someone, I remain convinced and I do not permit them to offend me. They lose all power to do that.

“I want you to go and tell your friends and your readers about this conversation because the same result that has come to pass for you is available to them as well. They have only to persist after me and not give up. These times are like no other times. There is a great deal more latitude to be had in these times and I am more likely to get directly engaged. People are very fortunate to be here in these times, though many do not think so. It is a matter of where their priorities are... 'where your treasure is' and all that. This is why there is so much material excess and so many attractions, to act as distractions for the insincere and otherwise magnetized. (He actually converses in a very colloquial fashion) Everyone is going to get out of life and themselves what they put into it. As you like to tell people, “God is watching.” Oh visible, they have NO IDEA. I am most certainly watching and listening at all times, I know what passes in their minds and I know what lives in their hearts. I cannot be fooled but I can surely be impressed and disappointed. I took on a human persona in order to experience it all just like everyone else. The only difference between us is the degree of attachment. I don't have any.”

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is-

♫ Imaginary Queen ♫

And the often trivial and pedestrian Pocketnet WITH any number of brilliant moments is ALWAYS over there somewhere.